DMCA Takedown (OnlyFans Profile)
The website shows only the images and text that are publicly available on your OnlyFans account. We do not show any leaked or illegal material.By being shown on our website YOU GET FREE fans and subscribers to your OnlyFans account.
If you still want us to take down your profile, please send us an email to office@***
We comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, (Title 17 U.S.C. §512) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in responding with all claims that arise out of intellectual property of infringement and regulated under the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT). We will promptly investigate all notices and remove any alleged infringement, taking appropriate legal actions required under such laws.
You may send us an email at office@*** stating the below information:
- username, url or location of the copyrighted works in this notice.
- Provide your affiliation with the copyrighted work, mailing address, telephone number and email address.
- Provide your full legal name and your electronic or physical signature.
We are not liable for any false claims and you agree that if you have claimed a false claim of copyright infringement with us, that you may be held responsible for all legal actions. Therefore we request that you seek legal advice before reporting any of the following criteria regarding a claim to make sure the copyrighted material is of an infringement.